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Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014

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Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 Empty Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014

Post by Fabian Sat Mar 08 2014, 08:38

I cant convey by words how rugged and beautiful the scenery is at Mt Buffalo and also the physically punishing but terrifically rewarding walk to "Horn" summit; with it's breath taking views and eerie movement of clouds around the rocky edifice and observation platform, not to mention the crows making noise in the background.

As with many of these adventures, the photos don't do justice to the awe inspiring scenery.

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140330

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140331

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140332

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140333

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140334

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140335

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140336

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140338

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140337

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140339

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140340

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140341

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140342

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140343

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140344

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140345

Mt Buffalo and "The Horn" Hill Climb - March 2014 20140346

MxBF Power User

Posts : 338
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Birthday : 1970-09-03
Join date : 2011-06-08
Age : 53

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