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Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly

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Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Empty Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly

Post by Fabian Fri Jun 22 2012, 07:18

This is the best accessory since sliced bread especially for a motorized bicycle, allowing comfort on rough trails and speed on smooth surfaces at the touch of a switch!

High performance cars come with this technology, off-road motorbikes have this technology, so do 4WD's/SUV's and military vehicles have had it for years, in fact just about everything with a rolling wheel can be optioned with this technology - it only makes sense that bicycles should have it too - and now they can!

Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Img-fr10

Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Img-ga10

Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Img-re10

Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Large_10

Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Large_11

Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Large_12

Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Large_13

Adjustable Tyre Pressure on the Fly Large_14

MxBF Power User

Posts : 338
Reputation : 3
Birthday : 1970-09-03
Join date : 2011-06-08
Age : 53

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