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Wheelie Simulator

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Wheelie Simulator Empty Wheelie Simulator

Post by Fabian Tue Apr 24 2012, 04:53

Although the guy on the jig looks so pathetic, from my experience it "is" as difficult and impossible as it looks to do balance point wheelies; the use of rear brake application as essential for maintaining vertical stability.
Being able to practice under controlled conditions with no chance of getting hurt adds a sensible level of safety to the learning curve.
I wished this device existed when i was going through the pain of crashing and countless thousands of dollars in crash damage repair; learning how to wheelie a motorbike.

and here it's done to perfection; saving the bike by applying the rear brake as it goes well bast the balance point:

MxBF Power User

Posts : 338
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Birthday : 1970-09-03
Join date : 2011-06-08
Age : 53

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