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Motorized Bike Forum
Welcome to!

Feel free to log in, register, or just browse around and see what we're all about here at MxB Forum.

If you got help here, REGISTER and help the next guy!

If that's not enough motivation, the ads will go away when you are logged in!

If that doesn't do it for you - registering will allow you to search the forum!

Ride safe and have fun!

Motorized Bike Forum
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Domain Name Changes

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Domain Name Changes Empty Domain Name Changes

Post by DuctTapedGoat Tue Oct 04 2011, 21:03

Due to some clerical errors, the domain name will be changed from

I don't know what the new name will be just yet, so in the meantime you can add to your bookmarks (this is the static page for our forum).

If you've got a suggestion for a new site name, send me a PM with your ideas!

Posts : 80
Reputation : 6
Birthday : 1986-03-03
Join date : 2009-06-16
Age : 38
Location : Treasure Valley, Idaho

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