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Double Towing

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Double Towing Empty Double Towing

Post by Fabian Wed Jul 16 2014, 08:59

Most of the time cycling is great fun, but there are times when hills are too steep, or too long for it be be an enjoyable experience.
Fortunately, a motor assisted bicycle allows the option to be of help to others; towing them up hills if they wish to take the easier option.

You can see the blue elasticised tow rope going to the first bike, then from that bike, there's an orange elasticised tow rope going to the second bike.
The elasticised tow ropes give a smooth consistent level of tension, also allowing the cyclists being towed to have the freedom to steer left of right (independently of each other) if required, making for a safe experience.

Double Towing Double10

MxBF Power User

Posts : 338
Reputation : 3
Birthday : 1970-09-03
Join date : 2011-06-08
Age : 53

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