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Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine

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Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine Empty Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine

Post by Fabian Wed Nov 14 2012, 09:47

I have just acquired these delightful variants of the twin spark plug cylinder head, made by CR Machine Manufacturing. They are "must have items" and you won't be able to live with the appearance of a standard Chinese cylinder head ever again, because the twin plug design looks so damn good and purposeful, not to mention the massively increased cooling surface area over the stock cylinder head.
The three hole variant is designed to have a compression release mechanism inserted in the third hole, or you could insert a third spark plug to slightly reduce the compression, if required.

They also manufacture modified OEM pistons with transfer port and exhaust port ramps, as shown in the photos. You can order the pistons with either transfer port ramps or both transfer port and exhaust port ramps.

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-110

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-111

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-112

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-113

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-119

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-114

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-115

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-116

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-117

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-118

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-138

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-139

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-140

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-142

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine 2012-141

Twin Spark Plug Cylinder Head for 80cc Happy Time Engine Twin_s10

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Age : 53

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